Southern California Disposal and Recycling

The Story of Southern California Disposal & Recycling

Southern California DisposalSince 1913, Southern California Disposal and Recycling (SCD) has been a family owned and operated solid waste management enterprise.

It all began back in the early part of the last century, when Grandpa Varus Kardashian began collecting garbage to be recycled as feed for the stock on his hog farm. Through the years, his small enterprise grew and evolved until it became the company it is today: a forward-looking solid waste management firm firmly rooted in the old-fashioned traditions of professionalism and customer service.

Watch video about Southern California Disposal & Recycling to learn more about our company and our services.

SCD Photo Gallery

Southern California Disposal history

SCD trucks and drivers

Southern California Disposal and Recycling three generations

Southern California Disposal & Recycling . 310-828-6444